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Exceptional Burial Services in Orange County, CA

Losing a loved one is a deeply personal and challenging event. Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home provides caring funeral and burial services in Southern California to help you lay your loved one to rest. Since 1963, we have been providing unparalleled service in Orange County and Tustin, CA. We offer complete, partial, and basic burial services that respect and celebrate your loved one’s life. We tailor our services to meet our clients’ needs, ensuring a dignified final farewell.

Sunset over the ocean in Southern California.

Expectations of Graveside Services

Funeral services offer a time-honored tradition. Some of the reasons loved ones choose a burial service include:

  • Guidance with Ease – Our team helps guide you through the classic burial service to help ease the planning and arrangement process while offering a touching tribute to the departed.
  • Peaceful Final Resting Place – The serene and scenic settings of burials provide comfort to mourning families.
  • Significance – Burials have been an essential tradition and ritual in many religions globally.
  • Physical Presence – Being at the burial site allows family and friends to gather, grieve, rejoice, and share their last moments with the deceased.

Our Burial Services

Our team meets with you to discuss your goals for a burial service. We customize each funeral to meet your unique needs. Some of our wide range of burial services tailored to meet your loved one’s distinct wishes include:

Basic Burial Service

A simple burial service is a dignified choice for those who prefer no visitation, service, or reception.

Traditional Funeral Services

Our classic funeral service includes a viewing or visitation, a formal funeral service, and a reception.

Casket & Vault Selection

We will guide you through a comprehensive selection of high-quality caskets and vaults.

Headstone Selection

We assist in selecting the ideal monument to honor your loved one.

Burial Plot Selection

If you are searching for a final resting place for yourself or your loved one, we can help you find the perfect location.

Plan Ahead for Peace of Mind

One of the greatest gifts you can give your loved ones is the peace of mind that comes with pre-planning. Not only does it provide comfort during a period of grief, but pre-planning your funeral also ensures your final wishes are fulfilled exactly as you wish. At Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home, we respect the unique dynamics among families and friends, and we strive to ensure a smooth and comforting experience for all. Whether you choose a traditional burial or cremation, we will help you through the pre-planning process. Our team will meet with you to discuss your final wishes and help you choose the best burial plans for your goals.

Why Choose the Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home?

Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home is a family-run funeral home that offers the most spacious facilities and excellent parking. We honor and prioritize your departed loved one. Our dedication encompasses more than just standard funeral and memorial services. We guarantee respectful and secure management of the remains of your loved one and a dignified commemoration ceremony. Whether you’re taking mindful steps to pre-plan or confronted with a sudden loss, we’re here to support you. Our purpose is to alleviate your burdens and venerate your loved one’s life story. We invite you to join us in conversation to discuss your unique requirements and wishes.

Contact Us Today in Southern California

Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home does its best to offer caring and affordable burial services. Our funeral home is non-denominational and open to people of all backgrounds, cultures, and traditions. We follow your desires to respectfully bury you or your loved one. You can trust our funeral team to respect your wishes, deliver a compassionate service, and customize our services to your needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss funeral and burial services.

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