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Caring Cremation Services in Southern California

Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home offers customized cremation as a dignified alternative to a conventional burial. Cremation involves transforming earthly remains into cremated remains which may be presented to the family for final disposition.

Families must decide with their funeral director or certified arrangement consoler how they would like their loved one remains kept at the time being. If the family wants to keep their remains at home, it would be there residence. For example, if they want to then scatter them 3 years later, they will need an updated burial permit with the new disposition location. This is not something they can freely choose to do afterwards.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you with celebrating the cherished memories of your departed loved one in a manner that honors everyone’s wishes.

Sunset over the mountain in Southern California.

The Primary Benefits of Cremation

Cremation presents a sensible yet comforting choice for many people. It stands as a commendable alternative to conventional funeral services. Some of the most significant benefits of choosing cremation include:

  • Flexibility – Holding a memorial service that is separate from the burial allows family and friends to come together and grieve without being pressured by time. We’re here to help you find a date that works best for your needs.
  • Economic – Families or the decedent could have chosen a crypt vault and plot during the consultation. A cremated decedent can be buried in the ground in an urn or vault. Direct cremation is the economic choice.

Cremation Options for You & Your Loved Ones

Cremation is a versatile option for departed loved ones. Whether you want an intimate or grand farewell, our affordable cremation services are designed to meet your needs. Our compassionate cremation choices include:

Classic Cremation Services

The traditional cremation service allows for a cremation, followed by a full funeral service, including the option for viewing or visitation that enables loved ones to express their condolences. With the use of this option, the cremation would follow the service, so the decedent may be in a rental casket during the service.

Memorial Gathering

A memorial gathering provides the chance for loved ones to come together for a shared time of remembrance after the cremation. If a family’s loved one has already been cremated, they can still use our chapel even if they didn't have services with us, or their loved one was cremated years ago.

Direct Cremation

Our direct cremation services include a simplified and dignified cremation service without an official ceremony.

Our Cremation Process

We assist, guide, and plan the cremation process that is done off-property with other crematories. The family has the option for a witness cremation for a short amount of time. We are happy to answer questions about our cremation process.

Why Choose the Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home?

Since 1963, Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home has taken care of the area’s funeral needs. We are the only funeral home in Tustin and Southern California that is still family-run after many decades. Our funeral services can accommodate over 250 people. We are a non-denominational funeral home that invites people from all religions, cultures, and traditions. We are committed to personalizing our care for each family, understanding that each person deals with grief uniquely. You can count on us to cater to each family’s distinct needs, respect all special wishes, and deliver a memorable service that aids healing. Our empathetic team is skilled in navigating different cultures and personality types. With us, you can expect nothing short of exceptional service.

Your Loved One Is Our Top Priority

Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home puts your loved one first. Our commitment extends beyond just basic funeral and memorial services. We pledge respectful and secure care of your loved one’s remains, timely deliverance of the cremains, and the provision of a dignified memorial service. We stand by your side whether you are pre-planning or dealing with an immediate loss. Our mission is to lighten your load and honor the legacy of your loved one. We welcome a conversation to discuss your individual needs and desires. Together, we can tailor a fitting and memorable tribute that celebrates the life of your dearly departed.

Start Planning Ahead

Saddleback Chapel Funeral Home invites you to pre-plan your funeral arrangements with our compassionate team. We’ll help you arrange funeral and burial services. We’ve helped many families and individuals with funeral planning services. We understands the journey toward the final stages of one’s life can be intricate and perplexing, but our team is here to simplify and empathize. Our commitment is to listen and comprehend the needs of everyone involved in planning, organizing, and realizing end-of-life celebrations and memorials. We are here to provide comfort, understanding, and guidance when you need it the most. Contact us today to schedule a meeting with us about cremation or funeral services.

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