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Trusted Funeral Services

Saddleback Chapel Mortuary is a home where memories are cherished and life’s final farewells are held with respect. We offer funeral services in Tustin, CA, and Orange County that are tailored to meet the unique needs and wishes of each family we serve. From traditional funerals to personalized commemorative events, we ensure every detail is handled with the highest level of customer service, deepest compassion, and unwavering commitment to excellence. We’ll provide you with the perfect space to grieve, gather, and honor your loved one.

Funeral flowers in Southern California at Saddleback Chapel.

Funerals: A Time for Change and Transformation

A funeral is more than an event. It is a sacred moment of change and transformation for a community or family. Saddleback Chapel Mortuary facilitates a collective grieving process that honors the departed, comforts the living, and rebalances the social fabric. Many people feel uncomfortable grieving in public or in places where it’s not expressly welcome. Funerals provide a safe space for friends, family, neighbors, and those who value the deceased to come together and process their thoughts and feelings. Through grief and joy, those left can celebrate their departed and make space for their future.

Full-Service End-of-Life Accomodations

Our funeral services include:


An event usually held the day or night before a funeral to pay tribute and reflect on the life and legacy of the departed.

Funeral Service

The primary celebration where loved ones speak about the deceased and play music in their honor.

Committal Service

The time after the service when final goodbyes are said and the departed is laid to rest.

Funeral Reception

An opportunity to gather, remember, and share stories in a relaxed environment after the services.

Pre-Plan Your Celebration of Life Today

In addition to these services, we offer pre-planning options for those who wish to make arrangements in advance. This ensures that your wishes are carried out and relieves the burden on your loved ones during a difficult time. We also provide guidance through various aspects of aftercare, such as grief support, crafting eulogies, obituary assistance, and more. Our aim is not just to assist in planning a service, but to stand as pillars of support during your times of need.

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