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Compassionate Grief Support in Orange County, CA

Saddleback Chapel Mortuary is here to help you through the most challenging times. Aside from our funeral and burial services, we also offer grief support in Orange County and Tustin, CA. We connect families and loved ones with resources like therapists and financial assistance. We can also support you in writing eulogies and obituaries so you can give the perfect honor and remembrance to your dearly departed. We will aid you in every possible way.

butterflies on flowers

How to Grieve With Purpose

When someone you love passes away, you’ll likely feel a sense of profound loss of purpose – as if everything you know and love has been taken. This is a normal reaction during grief, but it doesn’t have to last forever. Though it might be challenging, it is possible to grow, evolve, and have a future. Here’s how to start grieving and recovering with purpose:

  • Accept the reality of the loss and your grief.
  • Allow yourself to process your pain and suffering.
  • Be kind to yourself while adjusting to a world without your loved one.
  • Maintain your connection with your lost loved one after they’ve passed.

Writing Perfect Eulogies & Obituaries

Writing eulogies and obituaries for your loved one is an excellent way to process your grief. Many people who’ve suffered loss find new life and meaning when writing out their thoughts and feelings. Writing about your loved one, who they were as an individual, and how and what they meant to you during their lives can have a powerful positive impact on your healing and well-being. We can assist and discuss your loved one together, allowing you to say what you genuinely want.

Recover Financially With Social Security Benefits

Pain and suffering are just two aspects of losing a loved one. You may also have financial obligations to consider after an essential person in your life passes. Saddleback Chapel Mortuary can help ease your financial burdens and help you look forward to the future by providing Social Security survivors assistance. We can discuss eligibility requirements and how a departed loved one’s Social Security benefits can be passed on to their family members. We’re here to help ease your mental, emotional, physical, and financial burdens.

Experience Compassionate, Caring End-of-Life Services