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Funeral Costs

As we all know, life can be very unpredictable. Regardless of what life has in store for each of us, it is essential that you and your loved ones prepare accordingly. As the cost of living continues to go up, it is important to ensure that the cost of your funeral plans doesn’t. Not only is it financially advantageous for you to prepay your funeral, burial costs, or cremation ahead of time, but it will spare your loved ones the stress and it will ensure that your wishes are properly carried out. Whether you wish for a simple ceremony, cremation or a proper burial service with a catered event, your ideal end-of-life celebration will be arranged according to your wishes. At Saddleback Chapel, our team of professionals will help you prepare your ideal service, event, resting place, and personalized memorabilia for your memorial. Events and services include visitations, religious and non-religious ceremonies, receptions, catering, florists, music, transportation, customized prayer cards, etc.

sunset over the ocean

Funeral Costs Vary Based on Our Client’s Wishes

A representative from Saddleback Chapel will ensure that your memorial service is specifically tailored to meet your every need and desire. We will help you prepare your funeral plans, understand funeral costs, and arrange pre-payment options to avoid financial panic. Let us help you prepare for life’s unpredictable moments.

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